Monday 26 December 2022

Unveiling of Papa's Memorial stone, NZ...


A couple of days ago, on Christmas Eve a year after we buried my father, my family was able to host a memorial service, at his beloved local Pacific Islanders Presbyterian church and then hosted the unveiling at our local cemetery followed by food packs to take home.

It was a real blessing to have been able to open restrictions after a whole year of mourning (more of a process) and now I'm able to blog more regularly and also write and publish more regular in having somewhat fasted during this period.

We had our Reverend Ministers attend with our family representatives, church family and friends. It was a beautiful service with my sister and youngest making a video picture montage of many special memories that we had together.

We were also gifted during this time and pray that God will bless those who gave as we also gifted during this time. It's definitely been a very special time of reflection and contemplation of the many things that my father did that defined who he was but also how we learned so many life lessons from him.

I've already started a book of some of his memoirs so that future generations are aware of how this pioneering forefather was able to accomplish so much during this 84 years on earth and how he still inspires, through God's presence in his lifetime, a spirit of tenacity, honesty, courage over adversity and a hardworking ethic.

I miss his presence but I believe that he remains in my heart and through his God inspiration encourages me to continue in the gifts and talents that I've been given to write and to share some 'gold' in the world that we live through my writings etc.

At the family service, I was able to share of how it was a privilege to be his daughter and that although he wasn't a perfect father (no one ever is) but h was a perfect father for me. We did have a mutually respectful and loving relationship that continues to inspire me beyond the veil...

Saturday 10 December 2022

Attending a Samaga or final ceremony for traditional Samoan tattoo...


Today, I had the privilege of attending my faiaoga (teacher) of Gagana Samoa (Samoan language) samaga or final ritual or ceremony of completing a traditional Samoan male tatau or tattoo.

The process involves a prayer and lifting the tapu or sā (restriction) off the tattooing. An egg is cracked and then with tumeric and oil is rubbed all over the tattooed person's body.

The traditional male tattoo is known as a malofie or pe'a and it was such an important and special occasion for my class to be invited to support and attend with him during his tattoo which took around 5+ days. 

In the pic, our teacher is lying on the floor whilst the tufuga or Master tattooist is using the traditional method of tapping the markings on him. The pain must have been excruciating but he handled it well.

The completed tattoo is also known as a "la'ei" or garment and that is worn as a symbol of serving ones village, church, family, Samoan traditions etc. and our teacher already does this well.

It was particularly important for me to also attend as I am currently finishing a picture book on traditional Samoa tattooing that I first started writing the text in Melbourne in 2016 but at that time did not feel quite ready for the illustrations or finalize.

However, upon attending and watching the tattooing process with my class, I felt that the time was right to complete and launch in Samoa in the new year of 2023, Lord willing. As it was also mentioned that this is a measina a Samoa or another treasure of Samoa that is so important to be aware and participate in.

It was even more special to be able to share it with my classmates in support of our teacher who has been a very keen in sharing this journey of his family with us and deepening our understandings of the fa'aSamoa. Not only theoretically in class but also practically in an opportunity such as this...

Wednesday 7 December 2022

New Published book since the 2020 global pandemic...

This last weekend, I celebrated the 50th Golden Jubilee Anniversary celebration of my birth-church with a book blessing of a book that I had the privilege of editing on behalf of our church the PIPC (Pacific Islands Presbyterian Church) of Mangere. A church that my father was blessed to have been one of the founders of.

It is the first book that I have self-published since the global COVID-19 Pandemic that hit NZ in March of 2020. During that time I thought of it as a "sā" or sacred phenomenon that needed my attention. As a result, I felt the importance to take heed and to listen, observe and be watchful for the next chapter of my writing.

It caused me to refrain from publishing any books during that time and it also coincided with the passing of my beloved father in December of 2021. Here too I refrained from blogging and writing much until a year has passed as part of my grieving process and in giving space for a deeper spiritual understanding of life as I live it here in Auckland, New Zealand in the year 2022.

In the new year, I will return to my blogging and publishing, with more exciting book on the horizon to publish. I feel refreshed and I see some new outcomes for my writing and publishing projects with this first book giving me much pleasure and in sharing it with a community of believers.

The book itself received contributions from our two reverend ministers as well as four groups within our church of a) the Session clerk & Combined church b) the Cook Islands Secretary & groups c) the Samoan Secretary & groups d) the Niue Secretary & group.

Within each group there are youth groups, ladies or mother's groups, men's groups, and many other committees that assist in providing opportunities and information to the church. I had the privilege of editing, formatting pics and the document and designing the cover page. I also had the opportunity to write the Foreword and Afterword which was a real blessing.

May the New Year of 2023, hold many new promises for each and every one of us for a refreshed and blessed year with much potential for a breath of fresh air in each of our lives. I'm really looking forward to what 2023 holds...