Wednesday, 29 January 2025

20th Birthday celebration with buffet...


Yesterday, my family went out for a 20th birthday celebration for our middle child. It was held near the city, and there was a buffet with many varieties of meats and dishes.

There were many cuts of meat, including pork, beef, chicken, and seafood, i.e. prawns and calamari, and they were all delicious.

It was just under $40 per person, including slushy drinks, soft drinks and many sides. The alcohol and ice cream were extra.

It reminded me of Korean movies, where characters often go out to a restaurant and cook their meat with dishes to complement it. It was also so funny as they gave the birthday girl a pointed birthday hat, and we sang "Happy Birthday" to her, much to her embarrassment.

We enjoyed ourselves and continued the party at home by blowing out, serving the birthday cake, and opening her presents. I'm so glad that she had a neat birthday. Later, she invited me to go shopping with her to buy another large item to complement her presents. 

Again, we had a ball and enjoyed celebrating her birthday together, wishing her another special year with her 21st birthday just around the corner for next year. But that's another story waiting to happen with some special preparations and plans ahead...

Monday, 27 January 2025

Reminiscing 1970s - 1980s technologies....


Happy Auckland Anniversary! It's a great time to rest and relax before the academic year starts again with the rush for morning school drop-offs and pick-ups.

One of many things my family has enjoyed during the holidays is playing with Lego blocks and putting designs together from Lego packs.

This particular set featured some of the technological developments that were part of the 1970s - 1980s era.

From the back row: The stand-alone "Pac-Man" game that I remember playing at a supermarket in the USA in the 80s; one of the first computers that I remember using at Uni in the 80s; a radio and tape recorder.

In the front row: a polaroid-type camera, a television set from the 80s, and a red dial-up telephone. All of these were interesting for my youngest to learn about as a child born in 2011, and these were all remnants of an age passed.

We now have virtual games on smartphones and laptops that have replaced the old computers. In fact, tape recorders are obsolete, with phones replacing the need for telephones, television sets, and cameras. What technologies did you remember or like of the 1970s - 1980s?...

Monday, 20 January 2025

Work starting for 2025...

I started back at work today, and this is my workstation after I'd tidied it from being stored over the holidays. The funny thing was that I was so busy getting all of my gear ready for the gym I would attend before going to work, but when I arrived, I forgot to take my laptop!

But that wasn't a problem as I had a lot of paperwork that needed tidying, filing and throwing away (oops! I meant for recycling).

I am so ready for another year of teaching/learning with another cohort of 20 students in the Post Graduate Diploma of Kaitiakitanga Bicultural Professional Supervision.

Our two classes are already full with a waitlist for the end of the year for our 2026 cohort. It's a privilege to teach and share ideas with adult students.

It's also neat to bring in some former students who have continued their studies towards postgraduate qualifications. Some have returned as motivational guest speakers, markers, and supervisors.

This is neat in supporting and confirming indigenous and cultural ways of learning and teaching. It's also encouraging to see a more collaborative way of sharing pathways and in coaching and mentoring with a more holistic perspective rather than the individualistic ways that I experienced back in my Uni days...

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Praying in the English church service....

 Today, I had the privilege of being asked by our Reverend minister to pray at our morning combined service. I was one of two invited to pray from our Prayer Breakfast group that meets every Monday morning at 6am at the church hall.

It's been years since I've prayed at the morning service, as there are so many in our church, and many take turns supporting our two ministers.

Our first service is a combined English-speaking service at 10am, which anyone can attend. The four hymns sung are in English, Niue, Cook Islands, and Samoan.

Following the English service is the Niue service at 12 noon. Followed by the Samoa service at 2pm and then the Cook Islands service at 4pm.

The picture is of the paraphernalia that I usually take to each service, i.e. a bible, my purse with my offering, and, interesting enough, a hat. What I did forget to take with me, however, was a fan, as it can sometimes get pretty hot up on the stage.

Many women in our church no longer use hats, especially in my generation, but for me, it's in keeping with the protocol that was expected of women wearing hats. Some think it old fashioned but I actually enjoy wearing hats and I have a whole ensemble of them in different shapes and colours.

I have even included cowboy styled hats as well as ribbons and flowers in hats and I'm really looking forward to making my own as in learning to weave a hat as in my church only the Cook Island women and the Niue women wear woven hats as we Samoans have lost the art of weaving and none wear woven hats unless it's been gifted to them by others. But that's another blog away...

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Fruit flies in the local community....

I had brunch today at a local diner with my middle child as we prepare for the year ahead. There is so much to do, and the year goes by quickly.

On my walks and while driving through our local suburb since returning from Samoa, I noticed some notices regarding fruit flies in our local area.

This has been a concern with signboards all around, with bins left for the locals to throw any local fruit or vegetables that are not to be taken out for the suburb.

Here we go with another year already started and now becoming aware of...

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Disney's "Mufasa" movie...


Yesterday, I went with my youngest to watch the movie "Mufasa", which is Disney's latest live-action remake. I enjoyed it with some new music and songs but still with excerpts from the old animated movie first launched in 1994.

At the time, I remember how it was hyped as being the first of its kind with music scores that included Elton John and the famous voice of the late James Earl Jones (who was also the voice behind Darth Vader since the 1970s).

They also dedicated the movie to the late James Earl Jones, who passed away last year in his 80s after voicing his part in the movie and was remembered as the stirring voice of the character Mufasa, who was the Lion King who passed away with his mantle passed on to his son.

This particular film was interesting in that it told of the backstory of the character of Mufasa and his 'adopted' brother Scar. The movie took us on an interesting journey that was incredible to watch as a live-action film with action scenes that would have been impossible to view back when it was first filmed as an animated film.

I recommend this film as a movie that the whole family can watch. It gives an interesting perspective of the family relationships and dynamics that gives one a better picture of why the story plays out as it does.

However, there are no spoiler alerts except to say that you must watch the movie yourself to understand the storyline. I will watch it again when it comes out on Disney+ as it was also a reminder of how far we have come in animation and live-action type films...

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Rainbow's End Night rides....


One of the neat things these holidays has been going to our only NZ amusement theme park called "Rainbow's End" for night rides with some family members and friends.

But this time, I was joined by my youngest and eldest (as my middle child was working), and we had a ball! Not to mention the long lines that we had to line up in.

So we decided to split up, and my youngest went with her friends on all the extreme rides. Rides that defied height and were not for the faint-hearted.

I decided with my eldest to go to the rides that were not so thrill-seeking and adrenaline-pumped, and we started at 6pm and finished at 11pm with a break in between for a snack of a hotdog combo and then back onto it!

My favourite ride has to be the log flume, with its neat log-like boat that floats in and out of interesting scenery, especially with the large splash at the end. The neat thing was that we had two rides, with our last ride being the final two before they closed the park.

The other rides I enjoyed were the dodgems, the family carts and the scorpion carts, the water drive was neat too, in fact any rides where I'm in the drivers seat was neat to go on. We also went on the Gold Rush ride, which was quite jarring with the fast pace and erratic corners. 

We also went on a simulated ride, where we had to wear 3D glasses and be featured in the final tally of marks (shooting range), where we had to shoot at the monster robots. That was unexpected fun, as I thought we would just watch a movie.

All in all, it was a fun time, and although we didn't want to go on all the rides, we still had lots of fun. I especially enjoyed it with good company. I would definitely recommend it to those who are thrill-seekers who and even those who just want to get out for a night, the rides are worth it...

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Beach picnic and safe swimming...


It's been a restful weekend, and I even got time to take my family out to a local beach, which was fun as we decided to go in the afternoon rather than the morning.

As you can see from the pick, we managed to snag a granite table to stack our gear. I love this blue bag, complete with sticker-like gibbets that match my shoes, too!

We even got to have a neat swim, although I went out with my hat as I didn't want to get my hair too wet and to ensure I didn't get sunburnt.

The neat thing was that the beach was only metres away, and our car was parked closely behind. This beats going to the city beaches with cramped parking and waiting for ages.

The other thing about some of the Auckland beaches is that it's best to check the safety of your local beach, as I've seen social media posts about beaches with sea lice on them. You can check it out at:

This definitely beats some of the swimming out in Samoa as at some local beaches, you have to pay $50 SAT Samoa Tala (currency) to swim there, or at some local rock pools, it's $20, although free if you know someone. We have our beach beside our home but it needs a little TLC (tender love and care) to bring it up to scratch with some who have dumped their rubbish nearby but that's another story...

Friday, 10 January 2025

5 Things Women should never do with a man!...

I came across a very interesting discussion by Denzel Washington that every woman needs to consider in her relationship with herself and her spouse, partner, boyfriend, or any other male/female relationship.

He speaks with confidence, and it's important for every woman who has gone through difficult relationships with a man or men, in general, to listen to this as it helps to centre oneself on the understanding that living authentically on who you are is important in not compromising your beliefs for others.

I hope this speaks to someone out there who really needs to hear these words: You are worthy, you have a purpose, and you are beautiful inside and outside in your own skin. No one has the right to say that you are not worthy perhaps they are not worthy of you...

Thursday, 9 January 2025

R&R in Auckland, N.Z...


It's great to be back in Aotearoa, New Zealand and especially back home for some rest & relaxation after a very busy summer in Samoa.

Also, think of those in Samoa and other Pacific Islands who have been hit by the torrential rain that's caused flooding in low-lying areas. Our thoughts are with them during this difficult hurricane season.

Meanwhile, back at home, my eldest reminded me of a gift I was given for my birthday late last year, as a 3D (dimensional) work of art that has kept me busy for a couple of days.

It's a chocolate cafe/store scene with all the paraphernalia on a very small scale. So, I have been busy in the last couple of days working out the frame and then, with scissors, glue and tweezers, assembling the whole scene.

It also comes with lil' light fixtures and printed chocolates, which are parts that are pretty finicky and that I've left for the part of the scene to assemble. It's definitely kept me busy and working slowly through the various steps as there is so much to do, and I want to finish it before starting on the second one that they got me also for my birthday.

I've also got a couple of new year's resolutions that I'm working on and that's going to take some time to work through as well. All the best to you, the reader, in what you have in store for the rest of the year and looking forward to what 2025 holds....

Monday, 6 January 2025

Happy New Year for 2025...


Happy New Year for 2025! We're finally back from Samoa and in 'Home Sweet Home' in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Since returning last week, we've had time to catch up with family and friends, share New Year's well-wishes, and enjoy the relaxing holiday and temperate weather.

It definitely was a whirl-wind trip to Samoa with the second of four Ah Siu Family Reunions I've attended. 

It's also neat to know that the next proposed Ah Siu Reunion has been confirmed to be hosted by our Brisbane family reunion komiti in Australia in 2027.

Launching a book in Samoa at the Reunion was also great as my 21st book contribution, with free copies given away to each of our five family clans. It was neat to sign books and receive positive comments as it was intended as a bilingual picture book for diaspora Samoans living in different parts of the world, as demonstrated at our reunion with families living in Australia, N.Z., U.S.A., American Samoa and Samoa.

I was also able to leave some copies to be sold at 'Return to Paradise Resort & Spa' in Lefaga and also at 'SSAB Samoa Stationery and Books' at their Apia Superstore, which long-serving manager Sina (of Education Resources) expressed that the books would then be distributed to their other SSAB stores throughout Samoa. A real blessing.

Now for more writing to continue as there are plans for further books to be completed and launched throughout the year since having a very long hiatus since I last published a book in late 2022. It feels like a catch-up with New Year's resolutions to consider, too...