Thursday 4 October 2018

Weekend book launch - 'Sense of belonging'...

Image may contain: 10 people, including Agnes Rasmussen, people smiling, people standing
Photo credits: L L Sosene
 A big thanks to all who were able to attend our weekend book launch for the launch of our second latest release from the 'Mana Mangere writers collective' and guest writers. It was especially neat to have our young writers present i.e. three of them as pictured in the front in sharing their voice and perspectives of a 'sense of belonging' in our communities.

The young guest writers - contributors were:

  • Iriyahz Filisi - Robertson Road school (NZ Samoan)
  • Sheeral Nayaran - Robertson Road school (Fijian/Indian)
  • Kyler Therese Ambler - St Mary McKillop Catholic school (NZ Samoan)
The adult guest writers were from Te Wananga o te Aotearoa:
  • Lillian Tolai (NZ Samoan)
  • Leota, Alice Meredith (Samoan)
  • Graham Howard Smith (Maori)
  • TMW (Maori)
There were 6 Mana Mangere Writers collective contributors including myself and they were:
  • Afamasaga Togitogiuluau Agnes Rasmussen (Samoan)
  • Penny Barnhill (South African)
  • Saulaina Sala (Niuean)
  • Tofilau T F Filisi (Samoan)
  • Fred Zombos (Australian/Greek)
The cover art was by my younger sister Anna-Maria Tauau, who like me, took Bursary/NCEA Level 3 Senior art at high school and when I saw her picture, I bought it to be able to put on the cover. It felt like it was just meant to be.

The collection is on the theme of a 'sense of belonging' and each writer wrote from their perspective via poetry or a short story to share their thoughts and ideas. It was also a real privilege at the launch to ask each writer to read out either the whole piece or a section of their writing for the audience to listen to and each writer was given some free copies to take home to share with friends and family or to gift to local schools, community groups etc.

Copies are available via SSAB, Samoan Stationery and Books, on the corner of Bader Drive and Mason Ave (across from the town centre) or you can contact me for more details. Definitely a pleasure to be a part of...

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