Saturday 29 June 2024

Josh Totafi's latest release...

 This long Matariki weekend's been a neat time of reflection of the past, checking out the current projects that are on tap and considering new moves for the future with a whole lot of neat positive vibes. 

Being that this season marks the Māori new year calender. During which I listened to some music and came across this latest offering from one of my new fave tongan/Hawaiian artists Josh Tatofi's latest music video which had me laughing.

It's called "Who's that Girl?" and I just 'cracked up' (my Poly humour) when I watched it as it took me back to first watching the origin "Grease" movie with John Travolta in the 'T-birds' gang and the late Olivia Newton John who played his co-star of Sandy.

His latest song has a 50s vibe and the video shows the same. I had to shake my head though when watching Josh singing inside a 50s type car. Man, he should show some 50s moves cos that could add to the video too.

So why not check it out and see what you think. Again, like the original 'Grease' they had adults acting out the teenage characters and especially the guys were so funny cos they looked so much older than the teen counterparts that they were playing....

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