Friday 13 September 2024

New Post-graduate Office space at TWOA...


Here's a pic of my work desk moved into our newly refurbished Post-Graduate office here at TWOA Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. Loving the new space and looking forward to the window treatments to come.

I'm all for windows in any rooms that I occupy as I've been in teaching classrooms where there are no windows and it's just not the same.

I also like a bright and airy room with lots of space as I've also been in cramped working conditions with offices spaces where people are almost on top of each other. Definitely not cool!

As you can see, the first thing I put up after sorting out the desk were the artworks. I've got my lil' sister's art piece that she created for me last Christmas which was such a joy and also smaller art canvases that I painted a while back.

Having double screens is a real plus too because I can work on my documents and also check on my emails and multiple other sites too. So I guess I'm not so minimalist as some people are in there workspace. I'm definitely all for making the space mine i.e. you can tell it's mine with all the artworks around and almost always a lot of colour i.e. that's my bright Samoan side :)...

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