So it's been a neat time to spend with my parents home from Samoa and family who flew in from Samoa, Australia and different parts of the world and NZ to see Granma. Many flying back last week and this week to their beloved homes and loved ones, and surprised at the turn of events.
And the serenity prayer came to mind as a prayer that reminds us that there are some things that we cannot change no matter what but that there are some things that need to be changed and we need courage to be change agents in those matters but also that wisdom is needed in times when we aren't so sure about what the outcome might be.
I must say that this last week gave me time for soul searching and reflection as to God's timing for my Granma as it probably did for most my family. I guess you don't really know how precious someone is and how we take often take it for granted that we will live forever until we are called to someone's funeral.
So today, I am most grateful for being a part of a wonderful family who love and care for each other and especially to a God who answers prayer in a very real way. It also reminds me of my 'Thankful Journal' which I started last month in which I list 3 different things that I'm thankful for each day and it's really helping me to count my blessings every day. Maybe it's something that you might like to try as well...
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