Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Writer's block and music...

Whilst my children are on their second week of school holidays, I find myself distracted from being able to write and research my thesis but then, to be honest, this has been going on for a time so every now and then I need to have either an art release, to paint, or to go outdoors, like the swimming pools today or to another favourite and that's listening to music.

Since the 90s, I've enjoyed Shania Twain's music and especially her song 'From this moment' which was the first waltz song that I choose for our Fiji wedding in 2001 as well as the song 'The Lord is my light' by Adeaze which was the song that we used for walking down the aisle for the bridal party as my beloved sung an original when I walked down the aisle with my parents.

Music has played a significant part in my life, in learning to play guitar, ukalele and sing when I was young and then marrying my beloved who is so talented in playing guitar (fancy chords) both lead and bass, the keyboard/piano, drums he can sing as well and now it's neat to see our children singing playing the guitar, piano, ukalele etc. so that music plays an important part of their lives too. A true gift that is not only lovely to listen to (depending on your taste in music) and it can be spiritually uplifting too.

So when I went to listen to some of Shania Twain's latest music online, I had wondered why for a time she hadn't released any new music and then found out that she had gone through some personal trauma with a divorce and now is remarried, started touring and has a new album to release this year.

In some ways, I feel akin to her, we are around the same age as she is only a couple of months older, I feel I've grown up with her music and like her we all go through personal difficulties in life and she is definitely a fighter to overcome, so similar in not always being so confident but definitely not giving up.

I found a duet that she recorded with Lionel Richie a few years ago of an old favourite song of the 80s from the movie 'Endless love' that I remembered watching and then there was a remake of the movie not so long ago. I like this rendition of the song although I still liked the original too. Enjoy...

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