Sunday 10 December 2023

End of year Xmas celebrations with students...


It's been a crazy busy time since returning back from Melbourne, as straight into marking assignments for my class ready for graduation next year and end of the year considerations for celebrations.

This pic is of the end of year secret Santa (gift sharing) and shared cultural lunch that we had yesterday. It was such a neat last day to spend with my class and my lil' sis (who's been working with some of the students in my class to support them in their assignments) and my youngest who was able to accompany us too.

It was neat to start with our usual karakia or blessing (prayer) for the day and then some introductions to guests who had arrived to join us.

I was then able to share a few Ice-breakers that I had learnt and taught when I was back in high school which brought a few laughs too.

We then went onto sharing some highlights of the year but more about summarizing (in three words) what the year had meant to each person. I must say that this year was an interesting one in coming out of the COVID-19 environment into new norms with our renovated campus as well.

I was also gifted with some precious taonga (treasures) that I'll share about in an upcoming blog as it was such a special gift that I will treasure from my students. Perhaps one thing that I've learnt this year was that with all the pressure of management on us getting our information in a.s.a.p. (as soon as possible) it was important for my students to not feel that pressure although there was a deadline to work to.

Now looking forward for graduation with them as they definitely deserve the accolades of finishing the course despite the disruption of not having a campus open for them, being online most of the time and also having to drive some kilometres (15 min drive) to the alternative campus that we were given for class. 

But all in all, now they can have a good well deserved Xmas celebrations with their families, knowing that (most) of them have completed within the time frame that was warranted and with the beauty of knowing that they will graduate in the new year. Definitely never a dull moment...

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