Friday 1 December 2023

"I am" new release by Stan Walker...

 While I was in Melbourne, Australia and Zooming in with my class for a session, I cam across a new release by Stan Walker 2023 (my fave male singer/songwriter) with his latest song for an upcoming movie called "Origin".

I'm really interested in this movie that will make its debut next year in January 2024. Hopefully, when I get back from Samoa, I'll be able to catch up with it as from a brief sojourn into the storyline of the movie, it's about a African American who makes journey around the world in search of connections.

I'm not sure that's the right storyline but you'd have to read the best selling book and then watch the movie to see where it leads too. But what I found really interesting was that they selected Stan Walker with his powerfully moving singing and storytelling to share his music on an international stage.

Not only does the music have lyrics that are both indigenous Māori and English but also the setting of the video are in different parts of New Zealand with Rotorua (steaming rocks) and other iconic areas of moana (seas), ngāhere (bush) and features contemporary Māori tattoo etc.

I'm definitely interested in watching the movie but even moreso that it features New Zealand icons at its best. It also puts New Zealand tangata whenua or peoples of the land as in indigenous Māori at the forefront despite our current NZ MMP government trying to take the Māori language out of the government buildings. Definitely a step backwards in time...

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