Monday 20 May 2024

Weekend classes at the Wā...


With my new job, I'm busy on eight weekends per year (very similar to my last job) whereby I meet or stay overnight with my students at a Marae or at the Wā or "Wānanga" (Māori tertiary education institute) for classes.

It's been interesting over the years in the 3 different teaching roles that I've had as as teacher/tutor in: Indigenous Research, Tikanga (Māori customary values and practices) and now a Bicultural paper on Kaitiakitanga (Guardianship/Stewardship) and Bicultural Professional Supervision.

Serving and teaching in this indigenous space has been an honour and privilege, as when I reflect on when I first started teaching as a self-conscious, first-year teacher, some 30+ years ago, I'm now very confident and passionate in supporting my students to learn how to "crack the code" of succeeding in tertiary education.

I love the beautiful morning sun in the mornings and in the pic above you can see our special carving meets the tip of our waka or canoe which seats on the roof of our reception building. Our groups love to meet out and have karakia or prayers in the morning or chill in the evenings.

And now the marking begins with the first set of assessments coming in for a 3000 word essay, a 15 minute presentation with notes and a critical reflection. All in the life of a teacher but encouraging to know that courses such as this change lives and open doors of opportunity to make a positive difference in their world and spheres of influence. 

Then I support them into our Indigenous Masters degree but that's another story...

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