I remember, once when I was young, some of my older cousins told me that I must have been adopted out of their family because I looked so much like them. I, of course believed them, in being so little and was so distraught that when I got the chance to talk to my parents I asked them if I was indeed adopted and my mother assured me that I wasn't even though my cousins were very adamant about it.
Now, I know it was because I take after my dad's side i.e. the jaw line, nose, mouth structure, I got it from Granma and then to my dad and now me. I also see it in one of my children and it's so amazing to see 4 generations with characteristics that are similar.
She was also the catalyst that started me on the journey as in 1988 I'd started my first year in my Masters degree in Geography and must have discussed with my family my need to go to Samoa to research on the ancient sites and she was adamant that she would accompany me with a boy cousin of mine and she wanted to pay for the trip with a little help from the part time job I had at the time.
So in early 1989, we left for Samoa and stayed in her Uncle's house in Matautu and I'd go to the local library in Apia to read up on books of ancient Samoa and she'd be at home with my aunts talking and catching up on things. It was my Granma who was able to get me in touch with another Aunty Lesina who assisted me in finding the late A'eau Taulupo'o Lafaiali'i who helped me to learn about the tala o le vavau.
I will always be indebted to my Granma for having so much faith in me and in sharing her thoughts with me at the time of which I've recorded in my thesis and I attribute the fact that I wouldn't be able to share or write these ancient stories today, if it hadn't been for her amazing effort to see a grand-daughter reach her goal. That's the amazing love that I know my Granma had and the special relationship that we have had over the years.
May God bless you Granma, as you have been a special blessing to me and now for many generations to come as I continue to share your, our, their stories...
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