I also bought "The freedom diaries" by Mark Holloway for a weekend read which I'd heard about last year but never quite got to the Christian book store to buy it but this time I did and have just started it and have found it so interesting to read.
It's about having backwards and forwards meaingful conversations with God which is really powerful in reading about how to make this happen. I'm looking forward to having my own conversations, although we've been having it for a while now (Holy spirit lead) but to actually record them in the way the author has suggested is quite powerful, especially if you are wanting to leave it as a legacy to your children etc.
And am writing up chapter 1 of my thesis or introductory chapter which is really getting me to think about how I'm wanting the thesis to look like although it might change. I've also had a Masters student ask me to be a supervisor for her studies which is a real privilege as I try to write, focus and complete my own studies towards my Doctorate.
So in having conversations with God along the way of my studies, it will make for a compelling story...
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