Sunday 17 December 2017

End of year celebrations and new directions for 2018...

 There were so many end of year celebrations that I wasn't able to attend due to commitments that I had but it was so neat to be able to celebrate with some members of my class at a popular buffet restaurant 'Happy Days' in South Auckland this last week.

They also gifted me this opportunity so I was able to bring my children along to enjoy their company plus the fact that every so often, I bring them along so that they (on both sides) can see me in action working with students or family.

A little sad that I won't be teaching the same course as it's being revamped with a more Maori focus and I accepted the challenge to teach it in its new state known as 'Te Kunenga o te Ao Tikanga' which loosely translated is: the gathering of world protocols (Indigenous research).

There are 4 components that there will be a focus on i.e. Mana Tagata, (supernatural power of people), Mana reo (supernatural power of language), Mana whenua (supernatural power of land), Mana Ao (supernatural power of world of strengthening abilities in research).

These are the basic components of any indigenous studies although Mana Wairua (supernatural power of spirituality) is missing but will still be drawn into studies through the other components. So now looking forward to starting my journey in learning te reo Maori language course next year and broadening and sharing my knowledge of indigenous practices etc...

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