What that means for NZ is that at the next elections in 2020, we have a referendum in that not only do we vote for the party that we feel best represents us and then our local MP but we also get to cast our vote as to whether we as individuals within the nation agree to the Bill that supports the choice of terminal patients with six months to live be given the choice to end their lives (euthanase voluntarily).
It has been really interesting to listen to the Pacific MPs speeches in the debating chambers especially for those who have voted against the Bill citing medical, professional, cultural, spiritual etc. reasons for their recent conscience votes.
What worries me is that those who are voting for the Bill cite the main idea as being given the right to have the choice to choose death in terminal cases. However, as many of the MPs voting against the Bill stated that it is a slippery slope especially with the elderly, people with disabilities, those who are terminally ill and the vulnerable upon which coercion or the decision being made for them could happen.
It was reported in Alfred Ngaro's speech against the Bill (National MP) that in Oregon State (USA), Canada and Victoria State (Australia) they all have measures that have been put in place to try and ensure that individuals are not abused in the system. However, NZ has not put the necessary steps to ensure that an individual's choice is not abused by others.
It also puts doctors in a very difficult position with 1,500 doctors petitioning against the bill with a conflict of interest put upon them of once upholding the sanctity of life but if passed the bill would pass then it would give doctors another option of ending life which could bring about so many other unsafe practices for patients.
I'm definitely voting NO to the bill and will be advocating for many of our Pasifika peoples to block vote the same way...
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