Wednesday, 6 November 2019

To ban or not to ban the annual Guy Fawkes fireworks...

 Yesterday we celebrated Guy Fawkes with letting off a small number of fireworks as our youngest had reminded us that we hadn't celebrated it for a couple of years. There's reasons behind this as:

  1. Our pet animals get agitated by it and everyone else who's letting off fireworks in the surrounding neighbourhood.
  2. I always equate it to burning my money and what level headed budget-conscious mother would do that? (haha) However, it is a concern when families decide to buy fireworks over providing food for the table.
  3. It's an antiquated holiday from an old colonial past that actually supports the burning of a 'Guy' as Guido Fawkes back in England in 1606 who planned the 'gun powder plot' against the Crown but he was caught and sentenced to death.
  4. There are crazy people in our society who don't responsibly use the fireworks and instead point it to people, animals, and property with harmful intent.
  5. Accidents have been known to happen with ambulances, callouts to police with fire departments on alert during period time.
  6. Although it's illegal for people under the ages of 18 to buy fireworks, often children can get their hands onto it with detrimental effects.
I'm in two minds about banning fireworks which is a suggestion that is being seriously considered by various councils due to the negative effects of allowing them for general use to the public and there are others arguing vehemently against banning them.

It does have it's positive points in having free public displays that are professionally orchestrated and that families can attend or as a time that brings families together for BBQs signalling the beginning of summer etc.

I'm still on the fence on that as I see many families responsibly using fireworks and keeping it within their budget and not going overboard but it is a no-brainer for those who have been caught up in the negative effects of fireworks...

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