Thursday 7 May 2020

Lockdown family makeovers...

Photo credits: Glorielle Filisi - our eldest
taken outside our home in Auckland, NZ.
One of the other things we've gotten up to, as a family, during the Lockdown has been posing as a model for our eldest who likes to use our faces as a canvas for her 'makeovers' for each of our family members.

It all started with our two youngest daughters having their full facial makeovers (and hair to some degree) followed by their dad i.e. eyebrow shaping complete with a haircut. Although he wouldn't let them touch his growing beard.

As I was the last in our bubble and I couldn't run away from it, I succumbed to pressure and asked for a natural look that would complement the elei (tapa - siapo type material) top and the pseudo ula nifo (faux tooth necklace) borrowed from my youngest's growing jewellery collection.

The photo attached is the finished product and I thank our eldest for her efforts as it mirrors the avatar that I often use for my digital pictures on social media. It was a painted picture of Sina that I illustrated in our first book.

Now I have a more up to date photo, I'll be using it for my author page and across all media platforms to update my photo and so that people have an idea of the person behind the writing and books. It also gives a chance to place a face to the regular blog posts that I write and are read throughout the different countries around the world.

So if you do get the chance, why not consider accepting a facial makeover from a family member because you never know as you might get a lovely surprise and then take some photos but if it's not your cup of tea, you can always wash it away...

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