Thursday 8 August 2019

NCEA Changes in the pipeline...

Last night, I attended an NCEA (National Certificate of Achievement) Ministry of Education update at a local school called 'Understanding the changes to NCEA.'

It turns out that after a big Review of NCEA there are 7 main changes to the National Qualification as follows:
  1. Making NCEA more accessible which means zero fees
  2. Giving Maori knowledge more authenticity and resourcing (this may also include Pasifika)
  3. having fewer and larger standards i.e. of 60 credits minimal rather than the current 20 credits
  4. strengthening literacy and numeracy requirements
  5. simplifying the NCEA structure
  6. showing clearer pathways to employment or further education
  7. keeping NCEA Level 1 as an option (up to each individual school to consider)
It was a very interesting conversation by Ministry of Education representatives and although there has been much planning and discussion, there's still a long way to go before full implementation by the year 2023.

Currently, our eldest child is just about to complete her final year of high school and gaining high grades in her NCEA subjects is foremost in her mind with intended courses that she's hoping to apply for and gain admission to in the new year at various Universities.

Therefore, gaining important credits in her final year is key to gaining entry into those courses and especially those that are restricted in numbers such as law school, conjoint degrees etc. I think the intended changes may allow for some room to move and relieve some pressure for future students but it will be the universities that will have the biggest say in what they will accept for those intending to attend Universities.

Still it will be up to the individual to make those final efforts to gain qualifications to get to the places that they are reaching for. I just hope that more Pasifika students will take those opportunities to make important and significant contributions to society no matter whether they decide to further their studies or not...

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