Tuesday 10 December 2019

End of year prizegivings and lolly leis...

Today we celebrated with our youngest at her school's prizegiving ceremony which was neat to attend and also to see the proud parents, caregivers and recipients celebrating with their family and friends.

Our youngest received a certificate for being top in her class in literacy as she loves to read and is a voracious reader. She also received a certificate for competing in the Weetbix tryathlon last week (the only one representing her school).

What was so neat was that she took the initiative of her own accord and made an appointment together with a letter she wrote to the principal explaining the benefits of the competition in hoping that there would be a team to represent the school but because of the school already being committed with other programmes we still encouraged her to represent her school although the school was not officially entered.

I've also trained myself to get 'ula lole' or lolly leis/necklaces ready as it's a more recent phenomenon that I've now become used to whereby children receive these delights upon receiving prizes at prizegiving.

What's even more neat is that teachers are gifted them by parents/caregivers and especially children who haven't received any from by their families, there are teachers or other parents who give them away to unsuspecting children and it always brings a smile.

I also encouraged our little one to give away some of hers after the ceremony to children that didn't have any that she would like to gift them too and that made it even more special in celebrating together with them.

So afterwards we had a celebratory lunch with ice cream and later a cake for dessert with Christmas just around the corner...

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