Friday 2 July 2021

Free 'Digital Boost' to fledgling businesses...


I've now finally decided to take the challenge and get into the Digital Boost videos that can actually earn you digital badges as you learn alongside the video.

It's a neat initiative that's to support small to medium businesses to get tech savvy in this new digital age of technology.

I've already had a look at the first 4 minute video and in that short time the creators have been able to pack a lot of information that's very interesting and important for setting up your business to get started.

In fact, there's so many interesting videos to go through and with topics such as: accounting, the basics, world stories etc. and with every 20 videos you get a digital badge which is a pretty good incentive if you're interested in stacking those up. 

I'm thinking of taking notes along the way as each video seems action packed with lots of information and the other neat thing is that it's free to all businesses. As before you needed to be a confirmed business with a NZ companies no. but they've now done away with that and now anyone can join.

It also became very apparent during the COVID-19 lockdowns that it was the businesses who were already tech savvy and had an online presence with followers who were able to promote their businesses online during the lockdowns and those who didn't were in big trouble.

So why not give it a go and have a look through the website as it might be able to support that unique business idea that you have that no one else has and then the world is your oyster. You can also pass on this blog to others who might be interested too...

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