Saturday 17 July 2021

'Those who wish me dead' movie comparison...


It's been interesting to watch another movie with a female hero/heroine where a woman heads a particular fire fighting division in what is usually a male role. Right from the beginning of the movie there is a lot of violence incurred due to financial corruption in 'higher roles' that assassins are employed to keep the silence.

What's interesting about this movie is that in comparison to the 'Black widow' movie, where there is a lot of violence, here the heroine is able to still continue with her feminine traits and not have to dispose of them in order to become a hero.

In fact, there is a secondary black pregnant woman who is in a very vulnerable situation who has to also fight back. Initially one would think that there would be no way that a pregnant woman would be able to fight off two armed gunmen but the plot showed otherwise.

I think was a very brave movie to produce but I do feel saddened by the fact that a lot of wild animals, insects etc. would have been killed in order to produce the movie as the fire fighting happened in forested areas and in order to make it look real, a lot of land would have been burnt in order to get that affect but then that's Hollywood...

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