Sunday 20 November 2016

Lemon flavoured green tea my favourite...

My favourite tea of choice
My favourite tea happens to be green tea with lemon. In fact, after leaving Uni I was at a capacity of at least 3 cups of coffee a day to keep me up and going and then decided, when I went teaching in the early 1990s, to give it up completely and have been coffee-free ever since.

I also gave up tea at the same time but over the years, I decided to allow it back in and I've enjoyed lemon tea instead of the usual tea. My mother was my inspiration in that growing up she never drank tea or coffee in the ways that she was brought up back in Samoa, so I decided to follow suit in my adult years and don't miss coffee either even with the new exotic types of coffee, I don't even know what a capachino (don't even know how to spell it) tastes like let alone a mochachino.

But the other day, my beloved came home with the above pictured tea which I instantly liked. Green tea is supposed to be the more healthier option that I had picked up to drink last year and in adding the lemon, wow! just love to start the day with it or to end the day.

Often I'm asked about when I started thinking about creative writing and it was definitely in high school with my year older sister having a knack at poetry and winning the high school senior creative writing prize cup. Did I mention that I never won that cup? but it was something that I really wanted back then. Now, I no longer have to look to the past except for nostalgically with my cup of green tea with aromatic lemon in hand...

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