Thursday 12 November 2020

Mochi - Japanese rice cake...

Today, I had my first taste of a mochi which our youngest has been wanting to try for the longest time. It is a Japanese rice cake that is made from japonica glutinous rice.

It was an interesting taste in that it also came with a centre of your choice i.e. chocolate, strawberry, blueberry etc. to me it's an acquired taste because I didn't know what it would taste like but now having tried it, I think takes a little getting used to.

We found it at the Manukau Mall in a Sushi shop and thought to give the different flavours a go but when we all tried it, it was definitely a little different from what we are used to.

In fact, it's a little hard to describe and I'd even venture to say that you've got to give it a go to know what it's all about. Unless, of course, you are gluten-free, and then it wouldn't be a good idea.

Our youngest didn't want to continue eating hers and as she had an extra I suggested to her to check if any of her friends at school, (who is allowed and is not gluten-free) would like to give it a go or to even see what the inside looks like. As you never know until you try...


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