Thursday 9 September 2021

Developing new art with markers...


Another one of the things that I've been really thankful for, during this lockdown level 4, has been the time to do the things that I usually wouldn't prioritize with work in tow and the many commitments that I have.

Today, I've been able to play around with some ideas that I've had for a book and using a new medium that my lil' sister introduced me to as Copic markers.

What's so neat about using these markers is that it gives another dimension to the art and also is much more bold in the variety of colours that are available to be used.

It did take some getting used to as I've been so used to painting in acrylics, having started in high school with oils. I've also recently enjoyed and understood using water colours having taken an art class at my workplace that helped me to understand the properties of water colour paints.

Now I feel more confident to try this new medium and it's brilliant in the way that I can apply it but it does take a little bit of getting used to its properties as an artist. It's also taken me some time to grow in confidence in order to be able to use it well with still a lot more development to come.

Looking forward to how this will pan out for future picture books as it takes the illustrations to another level with the developing books to come. I'll keep in touch, in this blog, on launch dates but at this time I'm just so thankful to have the time to be able to do what I enjoy as the silver lining to the lockdown...

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