Monday 25 October 2021

Fitness challenge in lockdown...


This is the last week of my work's fitness challenge that is an annual event where we get into groups of 5 people (including virtual players if players are hard to find) and then we get points for physical sports i.e. steps in walking, running, gym time, biking etc.

I've joined pretty much every years since working for the organisation and have always enjoyed the camaraderie and also the fun things that can happen. 

However, this year has been very different as teams have had to connect virtually via phone, zooms and social media to keep up the spirits and encouragement.

I must say that I've definitely enjoyed it this year having added the virtual global challenges to the mix and virtually walking in places like London, Macchu Picchu etc. and it's made the lockdown a lot more bearable as well.

I'd definitely encourage these activities to any and especially if you're not too keen on going out to walk in your local neighbourhood with lockdowns that you can just dance your steps away. That has also made it more bearable as with having the Delta virus it's a bit disconcerting to walk outside your doors.

But these activities have been not only good for your health, fitness and state of mind but it has also been good for the soul, for me, in having music and dance as a part of the day. I'd highly recommend to all with your playlist and then 'Just Dance' (Videos on YouTube) around the room...

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