Wednesday 3 April 2024

"The Convert" movie...


I hope you had a Happy Easter with your family. In the holy week that started with Palm Sunday then continued with Good Friday, resting on the Sabbath then Easter Sunday, I found it to be a good place of reflection and meditation too.

Then on Easter Monday, I was able to take my youngest to watch "The Convert" which is a very interesting movie set in Aotearoa, New Zealand in the 1830s.

It tells the story of a new minister leaving England to come to NZ to convert "the natives" to Christianity. During this time there were land wars, often called the musket wars or Maori land wars which were later called the NZ land wars.

Sadly enough, it was the new settlers especially businessmen who saw and opportunity and were bringing weapons from England to sell to Māori rivaling leaders and many Māori were killed during those pressing times.

I would highly recommend this movie to those interested in learning more about NZ's history and especially in wanting to see how Māori lived at that time in fortified pā or villages. 

It does have a RP13 censorship due to the battle scenes and killings that were reenacted but I don't suppose that one can tell the story without showing these scenes in which many were killed during battle but especially Māori who originally had the highest population and are now at around 10% of the population...

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