Saturday 11 May 2024

Happy Mothers' Day!...

 A big HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY to all our beautiful mothers out there and especially to my beautiful mum of whom I'd like to dedicate this lovely Tahitian/Tuamotu song. I love Josh Tatofi's rendition with Hawaiian hula represented.

Sending out love to mothers represented as single mums, working mums, stay at home mums, career mums, creative mums, student mums, nursing mums, teaching mums, caring mums, recovering mums and the list goes on.

I'm looking forward to spending time with my mum and taking her out for a meal and also in having my children over and spending time together as three generations of us. It's been a blessing being a mum and having such a loving and caring mum who taught me so much including the creativity that I'm able to share as a gift to my children as well.

For those who are missing their mums at this time our thoughts go out to you as it's never easy to lose someone who holds such an important nurturing responsibility in families. I know that my mum especially passed on some loving traits and caring qualities that I hold dear and that I've passed onto my children.

So please spare a thought to our mum's all over the world as we celebrate this special day. It's been such a blessing for me to be a mum and to have a beautiful mum who's been such a blessing in my life. Wishing all the mum's out there as special day to treat yourself or let someone treat you for the special roles that you play in families...

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