Tuesday 14 May 2024

Porcelain dolls memories...


A big shout out to my children for the porcelain dolls that my mum and I received on Mother's Day. It came as quite a surprise as I had bought a couple of dolls like this for my children when they were quite small but somehow they were damaged (from too much play) and then we no longer had any.

I think it was a cute memory from their past and they went at lengths to replace them (their words). We also received lots of presents including beautiful sei (flower behind the ears) and I added them to the dolls as well.

In fact, the smaller doll came with a glass slipper and it is a collectible doll from a collection called "the glass slipper princess" which was really interesting too.

I recall that back in the day, dolls like these would have been only affordable for those who would have been able to purchase and display them in homes.

Nowadays, they are more affordable but can be hard to source if not at the local Mall or larger department stores. They came with names too with one now called Ashley (because we couldn't pronounce the name) and the other called Memory after the memories that they brought back...

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