Thursday 7 September 2017

Work Training - Tetrahedrons...

Today I'm on a 2 day work based training regarding Assessment which is one of the basic outcomes of teaching and that is to assess that your students have learnt what you have taught through assessments.

The neat thing (and also the thing that always surprises me) about Te Wananga o Aotearoa training is that it is so different from mainstream (Western) in thinking and delivery of concepts, we always have a laugh even through some very difficult situations and conversations and it can be very difficult for those who have always been within Western thinking spheres.

For example today we looked at Assessment and how we assess through our Tetrahedronic spheres i.e. as Fire, Air, Water and Earth. I'm definitely Earth with my get things done attitude but Air is also up there with my processes driven logical factors.

The funny thing is that on the flip side I'm also very Fire with the creative side of my writing and painting and the neat thing about this training is the fact that we are all one of the four but also more prone to moving between 2 spheres depending on our personalities etc.

So tomorrow there is more training and then I think it's time to implement it from a different perspective. Another neat thing is that students get the benefit of this through us being able to make genuine connections through the assessment with the students and the work that they are to finish in order to pass the assessment.

Signing off to get some R & R and then to do more of what I need to do for assessment i.e. marking...

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