Tuesday 4 July 2023

Card making for July 2023...

I've just started my newest hobby, as a creative, which is card making. I've done the whole scrapbooking back in the early 2000 with Creative Memories, a USA company which had some neat card and paper stock.

Scrapbooking gave me a whole new appreciation for decorating family photo albums and I've now got so many for my wedding, family holiday albums overseas, birthday celebrations, graduation etc.

But now I've graduated to something not so intense and very practical because I'm forever (exaggerated) looking for birthday cards, wedding cards, celebration cards to go with a gift etc.

So then I came across another USA company called 'Close to my heart' and they distribute directly from the US and I'm now able to make my own cards at a fraction of the cost but also have the satisfaction of saying that I make them (with a lil' help from the company) on the graphics, paperstock, cardstock etc.

It also inspired to me make my own (next blog perhaps when I'll share) using cardstock that I bought and then laying it with whatever artistic things I have in stock. Most importantly to be in stock when I need one for an important occasion and also for when I can gift them to another deserving and appreciated individual.

So off overseas tomorrow and looking forward to coming back and making up some more for sending out. You're most welcome to take inspiration and try making some of your own with a little bit of imagination and resources that can be very much appreciated by the receiver...

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