Sunday, 1 September 2024

Happy Father's day in commemoration of my hero, my late father...

This Father's Day, I commemorate my hero and late father Faalavaau Aiolupo Fasavalu Uilitone Tauau. He's my role model who taught me many things about life not only in fa'aSamoa but also about living an authentic Christian life and caring.

Today as I went on my usual weekend 5km walk, I walked past a car that was parked outside a home and the lady that was standing beside the car asked me to stop. I turned around and she recognized me as her English teacher when she was a teenager many moons ago. It was such a lovely reminder of making a positive impression that she stopped me to tell me.

It reminded me of my dad whom I thought was very strict, growing up, but now I realize that he was trying to protect me from the unsavoury things of this world that are harmful (including people). He taught me about what's good and healthy and strong and I'll always be thankful and grateful to God for giving me such a dad as he was to me.

In fact, we went over today to visit his grave as many families were visiting their loved ones, with three generations including my mum, myself, my sister and youngest. We remembered the great times we had together. It didn't mean that he was perfect but the memories we had of him were perfect, lighthearted and beautiful.

To all those beautiful dads out there who love their children before themselves and who often sacrifice for their childrens' dreams and just love on them, I wish you the best. There are some uncommon men out there who I've been told are great men (in the words of Steve Harvey) "they love their wife and take care of their children". They love with unconditional love and they inspire people to do good in their own humility. 

Those are the men that aren't intimidated by their wife's success and encourage their children to live out their dreams and when they are older, their wife/partner and children want to be around them as well as their grandchildren. These are the uncommon men who other men strive to be like and I'm glad I got to meet my dad, my hero in life (of course my mother is my heroine)...

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