Saturday 26 March 2016

NZ Flag Referendum...

This week's result regarding the decision to keep the old flag comes as a shock to some but for many who have fought hard and remember those who died over the old flag and what it represented in the different world wars - it in recognition of the history which many still hold dear although that same history many would rather forget or have no connection to.
For the current prime minister and those who pushed for the whole idea of a new flag and then referendum to make it binding, it wasn't the foregone decision that they had expected in a landslide victory but perhaps a pie in the face of spending over an estimated $26 million dollars on an idea that probably should have been voted on first before spending the dollars to come up with designs etc.
So now for those who made emotional connections with the new flag that won't be used, there may be a feeling of being cheated of having gone through the whole exercise with now nothing to show for it.
In this particular issue, I can see many different views that are valid on both sides as in the end I decided to abstain from voting as it was difficult to make a decision from the two sides but perhaps leaning closer towards voting against wasting the $26 million dollars spent now on a non event.
I'm hoping that this present government will think hard before it ever does the same again but then perhaps when we go to the polls next year, it will the last time that they will be in a position to repeat history...

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