Thursday 1 February 2018

Seeing but not seeing last night's moon phenomenon...

 Last night I didn't have much luck in trying to view the 3 stages of the very rare super blue blood moon eclipse in which one was supposed to view:

1. the blue moon
2. the supermoon
3. total lunar eclipse.

It was reported that the last time this happened was in 1982 with the next not expected to happen until 2037 although I've seen information saying that it only happens once every 150 years.

So I got up at just before 2 am having gone to bed earlier to be able to get up to view this auspicious event/s and went outside and saw the moon with a yellow haze but because of the dense cloud cover, I wasn't able to get a good picture as by the time I'd click the camera outside an upstairs bedroom window, the clouds would cover it again.

So suffice to say that I gave it a go and waited until after 3 am to see if there was anything else that I might see but with the clouds it wasn't what I had anticipated. Although having seen pictures published on the internet, in other parts of the world, they got a better look at what happened.

It makes me think that there is some divine design that somehow such events are naturally occuring and that there is a pattern to their appearances that can be somehow forecast, in which the 'big bang theory' doesn't add up to and other matter from chaos theories. There's got to be an intelligence behind all this :) Just saying...

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