Wednesday 30 August 2023

Important movie - "Sound of Freedom"...


One of the most important movies to watch of the year, if not of the decade, that I would recommend for viewers to watch (preferably adults?) is the movie "Sound of Freedom". I had heard about it earlier on the year and knew that I had to watch it but didn't realize the controversy surrounding it until I returned from overseas to find out that there was very little promotion about it.

Without going too much into the story, it is based on a true story about a 'freedom fighter' or former U.S.A. Homeland security officer who goes into rescue children who are taken and sold into the global sex trafficking slavery trade.

The horrific thing about it is that this has been an exponentially growing industry over the last few years with internet and growing faster than the arms race and catching up to the drug trade. How could this possibly happen?

And that's just information that I've learned in the last few days! when I purposed to read around the film and listen to the main character, Tim's story. I wanted to watch the movie to inform myself of what's going on in the world that would illegally allow (I mean turn a blind eye) for children to be traded as a sexual commodity for monsters! 

The children are the real heroes of the movie as well as the child/ren rescuers. Especially when they put their own lives on the line to help save these children that they don't even know. It's just unfathomable that this could even happen but it did make me think about this happening in New Zealand and Samoa right under our noses but we're not aware of it.

There's a real horror in all of this as it's like silent screams and I don't think that we, as the public, should turn a blind eye to this. At the end of the movie, there was an additional plea from the main actor asking for "story tellers" (like me and like you) to share about the importance of watching this movie and putting a stop to it.

He also talked of how it took five long years for the movie to come onto screen. That there were many blocks along the way to try and not put it out in the movies. What? what I have learned is that there are a lot of consumers of this industry who do not want people to know that they exist! in trying to keep it out of the public eye.

I actually think that it's something that every caring citizen should watch. The very young, children and the very old are our most vulnerable as well as people with disabilities etc. However, it's also biblical in a saying that says (which also comes up in the movie) that it's better to tie a millstone around your neck than to harm a little child.

Like Tim (main character of the movie) says that that's "Mafia style" Jesus talk. Something that you don't mess with - is messing with kids! don't even get me started! There's just something totally wrong with people (mainly men) who are exploiting children. Not only is it illegal but there's a certain reward that's waiting for them in prison and in the afterlife.

So what can I do about it? you ask? Check out the website: and join up or keep informed with what may be happening near your area. Our support of such organizations helps children everywhere. Prayer is another powerful weapon as these aren't just people but also principalities and powers of darkness. Sounds like a horror movie? is it!!!

You only have to watch videos around the movie to know that there's a pervasive evil that is very real and festers on exploiting the most vulnerable - children and women. Many in third world countries but the consumers are mainly men with power and they're everywhere. 

It is interesting to note is that the main rescuers are men 'cause these sound like really dangerous missions with many women in aftercare support for the little ones but there are also women who exploit children in being in positions of power and greed similar to those who traffick children for the same spoils. Again it gets my blood boiling (figuratively speaking) as to how people can do this but it is real and it's something that we need to stand up against...

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