Sunday 20 September 2020

Spring cleaning - tidying with Marie Kondo...

 Now that Spring is well on its way, I've started some Spring cleaning and especially after watching a Netflix series of Tidying up using the Marie Kondo method. I had heard about her book a couple of years ago as a best selling author and wondered what all the fuss was about and now having watched the series, I have a better understanding.

What I like about her method is that it allows space for the participants in each programme to face their fears, feelings or issues about tidying or de-cluttering and she actually has a method to discarding or repurposing things by asking the interesting question about whether each item "sparks joy" in you.

Another really neat aspect of her method is thanking the house before she starts on a project and allowing for the participants to understand that there is a spiritual aspect to her tidying project. It also allows for appreciation as she encourages participants to thank the items of clothing, shoes etc. that are being discarded.

There are actually several sections and great tips to help one go about organizing spaces and also most importantly about discarding and decluttering spaces. I've found it especially inspirational because as I see individuals change their lifestyle habits in tidying it becomes life-changing for them and breathes new life into lives.

I'm definitely going to be changing my organizing habits (and have already started) using her methods and it's already made a big difference. Now to start my children on the same ideas that will declutter space, start a folding system within their bedroom draws by watching the first programme.

Let the games begin...

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