Sunday 25 January 2015

Loving these summer days

Mission Bay fountain in the evening changes colour
Mission Bay park with our littlest loving the swings

Have been very busy enjoying these summer days and especially spending it with my children and going to local parks. Been going to Mission Bay park near the Auckland CBD (central business district) and they just love it there. The above pic shows the fountain changing colour in the evening and the pic below with our littlest enjoying the swings. There's so much to see and do for children, teens and adults.

It was also the setting for the first date that Fritz took me on at Mission Bay in 2000 Feb 14. I thought it would be either a day I would like to forget or one that I would remember for the rest of my life. It was the latter. At the time, I did think it was a little too romantic for the first date but it turned out just fine. There he said that he thought he could spend the rest of his life with me and almost 15 years later, we're a busy couple loving our children.

It's a busy little area with lots of tourists arriving daily and youth playing ball sports or for just picnicing and enjoying each other's company. There's also kayaking and water sports or going for a walk, playing sand castles or reading a book to the soulful sounds of the gentle waves breaking on the sand. Just love it!

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