Friday 16 January 2015

Summer days at the pools

I love these Auckland summer days with beautiful weather - great for hanging washing (environmentally friendly), going to the beach or swimming at the local pools with my children. I remember with my last two children, my middle child was born in January and my youngest was born in March and I spent much of the last trimester at the pools to cool down.

Water plays an important part in our lives, not only as our most favoured drink but my children also started swimming lessons within their first birthday and continue to enjoy leisure time swimming at the pools or at the beach.

As a young adult, my favourite water sports was outrigging with 5 other paddlers on an outrigger and still enjoy kayaking which I started out on at various camps that I attended. I've also tried Dragonboat paddling but still enjoy outrigging as you can paddle on both sides.

So that when we visited the resorts in Fiji or at my parents home in Samoa taking a small craft out to paddle is enjoyable and not so daunting. Fritz and I, as well as my parents, also enjoy seafood - but that's another story.

Enjoying this incredible weather while it lasts as daylight savings gives us an extra hour although we do have to get up an hour extra. Oh well... zzzzz

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