Thursday 9 July 2015

ebooks launching!...3...2...1...

It's finally here! have launched our first book "Maui and Sina" (A play series) as an e-book on and it's been so exciting to see. This is before it gets launched in hard/soft cover on Friday 31 July at the Mangere Town Centre library.

Here's a step-by-step guide to finding it.
1. go to: (in kindle books)
2. type in the search box: helen tauau filisi
3. it will take you to our first book and you can view the sample there.

There are still a couple of glitches that I have to work on in the formatting but I have to say that it has been a real blessing to see it come to fruition after many years of dreaming about this and wondering how/if it will ever come together.

I also want to give credit to my eldest daughter Glorielle who designed the cover (unbeknownst) as it was an art piece that she was working on at the end of last year with my lil sister Maria. She made the cut out using carving tools and it just fitted in with the cover design that I was after. Another miracle moment!

Now it's to start putting each book that we write into an e-book format over the next few weeks/months as was told that Auckland libraries will be moving into 50/50 ebooks/soft-hard covered books by the year 2020 and I want to be ready for it.

So here's to happy reading in the 21st century with e-books on devices. And in celebratory style, I made a lemon with cream cake to celebrate this huge milestone. A real God blessing!

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