Monday 16 November 2015

When the world turns upside down... R.A.K. on!

My heart and prayers go out to the families affected by the situation in Paris, France and more particularly due to the aggressive and coordinated terrorist attacks we are witnessing.

Much has been written about the fact that this is already terrorism happening around the world in different countries but that because it happened in a more affluent area in the world then the world's media then takes notice.

I find it difficult that people can commit such atrocities in the face of innocent bystanders and victims. This takes war to a whole new level when people choose to be suicide bombers taking anyone else within their vicinity or to storm a building, take hostages and kill innocent bystanders. So different from the ways that I was brought up and the religion that I believe which upholds the sanctity of life and encourages one to look after your neighbour as you would a friend.

It's been said that the most dangerous of all animals is not the parana nor the alligators or sperm whales - it's people who want to dominate over others, who get out of control and then begin to want to control the whole world around them. So today am advocating, like many others, R.A.K. Random acts of kindness - doing something good for someone else just because you can...

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