Monday 2 October 2023

Visiting a couple of my local walk...

Yesterday, when going on my usual 5km walk, having had a rest for a couple of weeks due to health and busyness, I came across this couple and had to cross the road and take a closer look.

It was such a pleasant surprise as often you don't get to see such things and had I not been taking notice of the environment around me, I could easily have missed seeing this cute couple.

I noticed that there wasn't a tag or explanation and they seemed to be mounted on two metal prongs stuck into the dirt. They were propped outside a wooden fence that surrounded the property were intentionally put there for passer-bys, like me to pay attention to.

It definitely brought me a smile as I was reminded that years ago when my children were very young that I had bought knitted dolls off a national website, similar to these, as cute crafts that my children would play with. In fact, I think I may some have some in storage too.

It made me think that sometimes we can get so stuck in our own thinking when going about our daily lives that we miss some of those important but often quirky or funny things that bring a smile or a memory that's so comforting.

Those moments can be momentary but important as if to say to not take things so seriously, or to worry, or be depressed or fret but instead to smell the rose, look up at the sky and remember that there are still some neat things in our lives to be thankful and grateful for and that joy can be found in even the seemingly simplest of things.

I'm grateful to whomever it was who decided to bring a smile to passer-bys. I think they were so considerate, even it it wasn't so calculating. Perhaps it was a reminder for us to sometimes let go of life's worries and concerns and allow a little joy to come into our lives... even if for a moment... 


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