Sunday, 31 January 2021

"Finding Ohana' Netflix movie...

 Last night, I watched the new Netflix movie 'Finding Ohana' which is based on a family of diaspora Hawaiians from New York who went to visit their sick grandfather/father and made some discoveries of their own.

It was good to finally watch a movie about native Hawaiians and to listen to their language in which my younger sister and I commented on how some of the words were close to or variations of Maori and Samoan words that we were aware of.

As diaspora Samoans, we were also cognizant of the issues similar to those in the movie of raising children away from the motherland and mother tongue whereby English becomes the dominant language within the household of diasporic families.

It was also interesting to learn of and have an understanding of some of their native Hawaiian traditional cultural and spiritual practices about things that are tapu or taboo or kapu (Hawaiian) that were forbidden such as sacred places where the ancestors were buried or bones were kept.

All in all, a very interesting movie to watch and also the antics of American Hawaiians who were used to living in Brooklyn and the different views that they had with their native Hawaiian family members. I'd highly recommend it for family viewing and discussing over these last few days of the holidays...

Saturday, 30 January 2021

1 week Holiday programme at Rainbow's End...

 This week my younger two children attended a one-week holiday programme that was hosted by an art/music tutor who had been my art tutor last year. It was a pretty full-on programme consisting of:

Day 1 Monday: Whakawhanaungatanga (getting to know each other) Art - painting & slime making day

Day 2 Tuesday: Music day and making music with different musical instruments

Day 3 Wednesday: Device day with laptops, mobile phones, tablets, PS4 (Play Station) digital games day. 

Some were also encouraged to volunteer to do some gardening at the local school that was just next door which consisted of weeding some of the gardens and tidying up the grounds area before school was to start next week.

Day 4 Thursday: Outdoors games day with swing ball, Nerf ball i.e. get wet, ball games etc.

Day 5 Friday: Final day out at Rainbow's End theme park with endless rides from 10am to 5pm (7 hours less lunch and snacks of fun)

Needless to say that the whole week was fun-filled with new friends and mates to talk with. The venue was a community hall in Wiri and there were lots of mums helping out and making sure that all was well with snacks and support all day through.

Yesterday mine came back absolutely excited at all the rides that they were able to go to, and talked about the ones that they went on a second and third time as well as the ones that they avoided. A really neat way to end the school holidays with most schools starting next week on Thursday...

Friday, 29 January 2021

Happy 16th Birthday to our middle child...


Happy 16th birthday to my middle child and I was at it again finishing another quilt creation for her with one more to go for another birthday in March.

I call it fabric artistry where the fabric artistic can determine the colours, the fabric, the design and then put it all together to create an artistic blanket.

With this particular design, the intertwining blue and white panels match the white and blue patterned curtains in our middle child's bedroom.

I think I get a lot of satisfaction to know that I've made the effort (and had the time) to be able to create something meaningful that I've made myself especially if I call myself an artist (using different mediums).

And I have my mother to thank for teaching me how to sew, knit, crochet, bake, cook, clean and the list goes on. In fact, I'm seeing that some of these skills are becoming obsolete with technology and instant buying rather than creating something that may take a bit more time but can absolutely create wonderful memories and a treasure that can be passed on and not always easily broken.

And with this being the last week of holidays, albeit a long weekend, with schools starting across the country next week, it marks the end of holiday bliss and the start of the routine of getting up for school and returning. All good things must come to an end...

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

A shortage of Pasifika and Maori dentists...


Today, I took our youngest to the dentist for an annual check-up and struck up a conversation with a Samoan dental nurse.

I was interested to learn that there are few Pasifika dental clinicians and even fewer Samoan, in fact, I learned that there is a high demand for Pasifika dental assistants in South Auckland but few complete the training.

The dental nurse wondered why there was little interest from Pasifika peoples as the pay is comparable and the work conditions are much better in most cases than the heavy workload of nursing where many Pasifika women study.

One does need to study for a 3-year degree with AUT University in Auckland in order to work with children but I learned of another Samoan who was completing his 5-year dentistry degree at Otago University in order to be a qualified dentist for adults as well.

I do hope more are given the opportunity to consider if this is something for them as there is a shortage of Pasifika and Maori dental nurses (I'm not actually sure of the correct term for them now). And there is no shortage of work either with free dental visits for children until their 18th Birthdays.

Hopefully, in years to come, this will change as youth realise that there are diverse jobs and skills needed in the job and/or business market. But suffice to say that I was reminded that flossing and brushing twice a day can keep the dentist away (except for visiting 6 monthly as an adult)...

Monday, 25 January 2021

Watermelon salad recipe (Otai) for hot summer days...

This weekend, I made some 'Salaki meleni' or Watermelon salad or what Tongan's call 'Otai' which is similar to the watermelon salad that I grew up with except that it adds coconut cream and crushed pineapple.

It's really easy to make and neat on a hot summer's day especially if it's been refrigerated or has some ice added to it but here is the general recipe:

1 watermelon (adult palm size) scrape out the pulp and juice

1 can of crushed pineapple

1 cup milk/coconut cream (some even add a few tablespoons of condensed milk)

1 can of mixed fruit (or whatever fresh fruit you like in cubes)

1/4 cup sugar to taste (I don't add any)

Stir it all in a big bowl add ice and serve with a spoon. Some even add cream crackers.


Sunday, 24 January 2021

Happy 25th Birthday to my lil' sis...

 A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my lil' sis who turned a quarter of a century yesterday at 25. She's currently on holiday and waiting to continue her study in the second year of a Master of Indigenous Knowledge at Te Wananga o Aotearoa with an exegesis to write and submit alongside her community project.

The neat thing is that, like me, she's continued with the artistic genes of our family in successfully completing a senior high school course specializing in Art and the arts, then completing a degree in Social work that she graduated from (post COVID-19) and her community project will be around utilising Samoan indigenous artistic concepts in her Master's.

I've featured some of her artwork in several of my book covers and have already commissioned one for a book hoping to be launched in a few months time.

So for her birthday gift, I decided to continue to make another quilt, in fact, I've decided to make some more for family birthdays throughout the year as a fabric sewing artist.

What's neat about it is considering which coloured squares complement each other, and sewing them from a duvet to give matching pillowcases from a Queen's duvet set. I've always been into colour since pre-school and love colour matching and complementing.

She absolutely loved the gift and have started making another for another birthday gift later in the week and always have blues in my colour palette which is one of my all time favourite colours i.e. indigo blue. 

So all the best for my lil' sis and I pray the best for her in all of her future endeavours including her studies, her friendships and the support she gives to our family and also for what the future holds for her. God bless with lots of alofa (love) coming her way...

Saturday, 23 January 2021

Congratulations on NCEA achievers and other considerations...


Congratulations on our middle daughter, Christelena, for gaining her NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement) in level 1 for five subjects that included: Art, English, Maths, History and Accounting.

This was especially in regards to having the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing with lockdowns and schools out. It was a very difficult year for many students in trying to concentrate on schoolwork but also what was happening around them during last year.

My congratulations also go out to all the students who, despite the difficulties, still managed to complete coursework, continue with focusing on the prize and succeeded.

But my heart goes out to the many students who due to that unprecedented year, last year, had to leave school and look for jobs to support families due to family members losing their jobs because of the pandemic.

I'm still encouraging many who come along my path to continue their studies through institutions such as the Wananga to gain qualifications and to continue study paths to their chosen vocations outside work hours and even online if they are able.

Some courses are free but they need to be careful of using their first tertiary year fees-free as some might dip into student loans without considering the long-term effects of that decision especially if they want to go into degree courses later.

Again, just some considerations to be mindful of but very important to get good advice or to do some research before making important decisions (especially around debt) that could cause more trouble later on. 

Just connect to some experienced advisors who are able to give good advice who look out for the students best interests with their talents and skills in mind, rather than their organisation or their job sector...

Thursday, 21 January 2021

New President of USA inaugural speech...


This morning, I had the opportunity to listen to the inaugural speech of the new President of the United States of America, Joe Biden Jr. I must say that I've been very interested in what's been happening in USA lately with the outgoing President, Donald Trump with the furore in the Capital a couple of weeks back and now the relative calm after the storm.

I found his inaugural speech to be one that was both inspirational and also about triumphing in the face of adversity. It was also about uniting the various States and also seeing that adversity and challenge has been a historical part of America's story. 

As a highly recommended speech to listen to, I found it interesting how he listed the various issues that America has been grappling with including the fact that over 400,000 people have died due to the pandemic of COVID-19, more than the troops that they lost in World War 2. 

He mentioned the race issues and systemic racism that have been amplified in USA in recent race riots and also the fact that he doesn't agree with white supremacy and stated that he will be the President for all Americans quite in contrast to the outgoing President.

There's much more to discuss but I think the best thing would be to listen to it and to come to your own conclusions. I know that when he finished with a minute silent prayer for those who have passed away due to the pandemic, it brought me to tears in realising that we in NZ have been spared much of the sorrow that thousands of families have been experiencing in USA and around the world.

The only USA territory out of the 16 that hasn't lead to death has been American Samoa and I found it interesting that some media only recognized the other 4 main territories as Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and the Virgin Islands but missed mentioning American Samoa and the other 11.

This is the second epidemic/pandemic that American Samoa has been spared from as written about in one of my books about the epidemic that struck Samoa in 1918 but did not get to American Samoa because of the quick and decisive effort of American Samoan authorities to close the borders from any incoming vessels that could potentially bring about the viruses.

So if you haven't already had a chance to listen to the incumbent USA President's inaugural speech, I have attached it above. Definitely draws a picture of where USA has come from, where it wants to be and how to get there... 

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Aotearoa Bike Challenge Feb 2021...

Yesterday, I received a package in the post which was about the 'Aotearoa Bike Challenge.' In it, there were a couple of posters and flyers with an information sheet to explain the fun, free competition.

The dates are from the 1st of February to 28 which is the whole month of February and if you enrol online individually or as a team, you are up for winning some neat prizes.

According to the information sheet that was sent through, it stated that in 2020 there was a massive boom in people buying or rediscovering biking and the freedom and fun that comes with it.

Always enjoyed biking, since I was young and encouraged my children to learn to bike and took them on short biking shorts with my beloved.

So if you are interested in joining or finding out more information, you can check it out on their website of: and if you need to get in contact with them on email the email contact is:

If you need anything including posters, flyers to help you promote the challenge within your organisation or group get in touch with them for information on prize giveaways, advice, information on events, more posters, flyers or postcards...


Sunday, 17 January 2021

Beach park visit...


Signs at our local beach park
Yesterday, our family went to a local beach for a bit of R&R (rest and relaxation) and it was the same idea that quite a few families had with lunch, tents, mats for sleeping on and children enjoying the park close by.

What we, as the public have been made aware of, is to check the website: for Auckland beaches that are safe to swim in.

As locals, it still doesn't warrant for us to swim there if we know that there have been some problems historically but it doesn't stop people swimming there if they feel that it's safe enough for them.

There's also been 5 sightings of sharks in the last couple of days on North Eastern beaches, so there's a warning to be very careful and to swim between the flags, on beaches that have patrols.

Otherwise, you're left on your own to be vigilant especially with children and perhaps not to swim or go out too far when surfing or paddleboarding as you just never know with the death of a teen a couple of weeks back due to a shark.

Other than that, it was neat just to relax back and enjoy the sun, green grass, the blue sky and the (somewhat) gentle breeze as it was a bit breezy yesterday. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and then retired back home rejuvenated for another day...

Friday, 15 January 2021

Centre Manager vacancy...


As a board of Trustees Chairperson of a local ECE Early childhood Education bilingual Samoan/English Aoga (school) since early last year, I've been on a steep learning curve that involved getting to know the intricacies of the Early Learning sector and the high expectations of services for children under 5 at these centres.

This month, we've been tasked with finding a new Centre manager and there's a lot involved with the recruitment process which is very much like running a mini-school but with the same expectations of the quality of services to be provided for the children in the community.

This then means that we need to have joint planning meetings to have a look at the annual management plan, the budget and finances with the PD or Professional development for teacher and even board members that works alongside.

One of my main aims for this year, as a Chairperson, is to also focus on community engagement and support that our centre to give to the families of the children who are attending the Aoga. We are also very aware of the uncertainty that the COVID-19 new strains overseas that could also have a damaging effect should it land on our shores through community transmission.

So that there are many contingency plans that we, as a Aoga, need to have in place no matter what the scenario that might play out in 2021. I must say that the pandemic in 2020 caught us unaware but with that experience behind us, we can now plan forward with more confidence.

Prayerfully, we hope that we will be able to find this daring individual for this exciting opportunity to work together to support the children in our Samoan bilingual centre and their families. And if there was ever a time when one could make the greatest difference, it would be now...

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Back to work...


Today marks the week that I'm back to work with our youngest still having three more weeks of holidays before schools start up again for the new year.

Here is some of the digital artwork that our youngest did and I love the colours and icons that she chose to express her artistic flair.

All this whilst back to planning the various course work for this semester and recruiting new students as well as completing paperwork for last year's course.

What I do like about teaching a new year, are all the possibilities and starting afresh after a well-deserved break plus being refreshed after having some time out with family.

It's not always easy to return to work but when we do it's neat to be in a space with neat colleagues whom share similar perspectives regarding education and indigenous research.

So looking forward to another year of work and meeting new students as well as keeping in touch with some of the former ones and colleagues.

I'm really blessed to be able to do something that I enjoy in that I don't feel like it's toiling, although there is often a lot of paperwork to finish.

I've also got a few goals of things to complete and work towards my Ph.D. studies, fieldwork that now won't be able to incorporate Samoa with the border closures.

And some writing goals also in having a good rest last year to refresh my perspective in new writing goals for the new year which might even include the launch of my first novel.

A new year, at work, with new possibilities...

Sunday, 10 January 2021

Radio Samoa 1593AM...

 During these holidays, I've been spending quality time with my folks and especially listening to my father's favourite radio station and also my late paternal grandmother's which is Radio Samoa on Auckland's 1593AM radio frequency.

What's interesting about it, for me, is the Samoan commentary, the music and that often has other English songs and some of the discussions or comments from people from around the world who tune into the radio station.

I remember, a couple of years back, in listening to the wife of the founding pastor whose vision it was to have a Samoan radio station for the community and how it was a struggle initially but now it is fully established and in its 22nd year of delivering quality programming to the Samoan communities all over the world.

So if you check out their website on: you might be pleasantly surprised especially if you're a novice, like me, in learning more about my cultural language. As I've laughed over their jokes, listened to current affairs both happening in the world and Samoa, in keeping the Samoa communities in tune with what's going on locally, nationally and internationally...

Friday, 8 January 2021

Wonder Woman 1984 movie...


Yesterday, I accompanied some of my family to watch the highly anticipated 'Wonder Woman 1984' (WW1984) movie that had had much hype since the COVID-19 lockdowns of last year. So I was expecting an epic storyline of gargantuan proportions as an early teenage fan since many years ago when Lynda Carter played the role in the 1970s televised series.

I must admit that I was deeply disappointed as although I like actress Gal Gadot in the role, the storyline of the movie, for me, was epicly disproportionate and didn't make sense in some areas that I needed to piece together along the way.

As with the first movie, there were scenes in this two and a half hour movie that worked really well but there were lots more scenes that were cringey and with the two antagonists, I didn't really like the way their characters played out.

I won't say anymore, except that when I went to get my new year's haircut, the hairdresser there who was also an avid fan explained, in not so many words that she didn't like the second movie and preferred the first. I now know what she meant.

So if you're considering to watch the movie in some of the new VMax theatres with the daybeds (a little more expensive), recliner chairs or the usual cinema seats, I'd caution you but then if you want to be taken on an interesting ride and don't mind a somewhat confusing experience then this movie would be the one to watch...

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Boba tea and sushi...


One of the things that I've been introduced to since last year has been boba tea or bubble tea. It's a popular drink and a new sensation to the Western world and I absolutely like the new flavours and texture.

I was introduced to it by my sister and children as they have also enjoyed it after school and as a refreshing drink so different from the usual fizzies.

However, I have read warnings that because of the amount of sugar that one can ask for, it can often be as close to the sugar ration of a can of fizzy.

That's why it's important to take it easy on the sugar and add a little more ice if you wish. It our local vendor, it's really popular and a lot of people don't mind standing in a long line to get one or two. 

I particularly like the tapioca balls that are called pearls and some are even more of taro which often gets sold out on hot days. I also like the chocolate flavoured drink and the teas are pretty good as well. It does, however, cost more than a soft drink of $2 (carbonated) at around $6 as compared to a fizzy.

And then when combined with sushi makes for a nice lunch (without the wasabi). So if you haven't already tried it why not give it a go, especially if you're an iced tea drinker, and you never know - you might even be surprised...

Monday, 4 January 2021

Movie "Soul" on Netflix...

 It was interesting to watch the movie "Soul" on Netflix but I must admit that I didn't really enjoy watching it that much especially after hearing that it had had rave reviews. It was a little too far-fetched for me to enjoy and I thought it took away from the main storyline about the dream that a music teacher had in wanting to be a full-time musician as a talented jazz pianist with gigs.

Although I did like the fact that it featured a Kiwi accent as in Rachel House who stars as the Grandmother voice in the Disney movie of 'Moana' and also as the Social Welfare officer on 'Hunt for the Wilderpeople'.

I first noticed Rachel's voice as an actress in theatre as she first started her acting career in theatre and would perform at schools, when I was a high school teacher, with the troupe that she was with. She finally graduated to movies and the rest, they say, is history.

I won't discuss any spoiler alerts in this blog about the movie but would suggest for adults to suspend your own understandings about the 'soul' or 'souls' in order to really be able to enjoy the movie. It was just a little too over my head...

Sunday, 3 January 2021

First Sunday Communion of 2021...


Today, I spent the day with my parents and our youngest at our local church's first Sunday Communion for the year which is a special time in coming together as a church and family to celebrate the first Sunday of the year together in anticipation of the year ahead.

After the church service we were invited to have a family lunch together with my Dad's sister, Aunty Noli who is currently in Vailuutai, Samoa just a 5 - 10 minute drive from my parents' house in Fasitoo-uta.

She wasn't able to be together with us but as we had spent last year, at the same time in sharing lunch, my cousin Pastor Tuimalu (Aunty's eldest son) brought the family together and we all shared in a family (reunion of sorts) lunch at one's of my cousin's house in Mangere.

It was a great time to catch up and share stories about Samoa because we were all missing being able to travel there last year and now in anticipation of when quarantine will no longer be the norm and we'll be able to travel freely but leaving that in God's hands in being aware of the pandemic now ravaging in a new strain around the world.

So that the first communion service of the year reminds us of the protection that we pray for from this COVID-19 pandemic and to be vigilant of its presence in order to keep our families safe and at peace in our homes and local communities...

Saturday, 2 January 2021

Curtains as we await...


One of the things that I like to do during my 3+ weeks break is to check around our home and see what needs doing on top of the usual Spring clean.

This time of year it was about updating our curtains both at our home and also that of my parents. The neat thing was that the local Warehouse was having a sale and we were able to outfit both houses with the actual colours we wanted using block out curtains.

However, by the time that I remembered about doing the same to our house in Samoa, it was too late. The sale was over although we do have a couple of leftover curtains.

The neat thing about this latest material technology is that the materials are light both in colour and in texture are able to block out light for a good deep sleep.

So now I just need to await for another opportunity to see if I can pick up some more curtains for Samoa especially in that there's a lot of time to get that sorted with the international borders being closed at this present time.

We're all definitely missing Samoa but are still mindful that there may be a time in the near future that we will again have the opportunity to go home but until that time, we are happy to do what we can to prepare for that time, in God's time...

Friday, 1 January 2021

Happy New Year for 2021...

Midnight January 1st, 2021 ushered us into a new year with much hope, expectations, and encouragement for another year of overcoming and achieving despite the pandemic that has plagued the world. I'd like to offer a word of encouragement, that encourages me, to all who read this blog that the best is yet to come.

In that often older people look back and reminisce days of old in their youth when things they were strong and healthy often forgetting that with time wisdom is grown and that's life's lessons helps us to consider what is important over what is urgent, it teaches us patience and to support the next generation coming through.

This new year, I have some New Year's resolutions and goals that I've yet to complete but again, in God's time, but with a lot more effort from me. Those are in my studies, with my family/s and at work as well.

I'm reminded to be thankful and appreciative of what I do have rather than that which I don't and to support those who need a helping hand who come across my path but to also know my limits and say a polite "no" when it is warranted. 

All in all, I wish you all a prosperous and Happy New year ahead and don't let life happen to you but to make it happen with whatever resources you've been blessed with either great or small and enjoy the gift of life whatever it looks like for you as there are always greener pastures and deserts wherever you go but remember to enjoy the journey ahead as you proceed with the blessings that you have...