Sunday 24 January 2021

Happy 25th Birthday to my lil' sis...

 A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my lil' sis who turned a quarter of a century yesterday at 25. She's currently on holiday and waiting to continue her study in the second year of a Master of Indigenous Knowledge at Te Wananga o Aotearoa with an exegesis to write and submit alongside her community project.

The neat thing is that, like me, she's continued with the artistic genes of our family in successfully completing a senior high school course specializing in Art and the arts, then completing a degree in Social work that she graduated from (post COVID-19) and her community project will be around utilising Samoan indigenous artistic concepts in her Master's.

I've featured some of her artwork in several of my book covers and have already commissioned one for a book hoping to be launched in a few months time.

So for her birthday gift, I decided to continue to make another quilt, in fact, I've decided to make some more for family birthdays throughout the year as a fabric sewing artist.

What's neat about it is considering which coloured squares complement each other, and sewing them from a duvet to give matching pillowcases from a Queen's duvet set. I've always been into colour since pre-school and love colour matching and complementing.

She absolutely loved the gift and have started making another for another birthday gift later in the week and always have blues in my colour palette which is one of my all time favourite colours i.e. indigo blue. 

So all the best for my lil' sis and I pray the best for her in all of her future endeavours including her studies, her friendships and the support she gives to our family and also for what the future holds for her. God bless with lots of alofa (love) coming her way...

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