Tuesday 20 August 2024

"Die with a Smile", new song by Bruno Mars & Lady Gaga...


When I first heard this song by Bruno Mars & Lady Gaga, I had to stop and listen as it carried a very interesting tune. Then I listened to the lyrics and thought - Wow! then when my eldest pulled in her car on the weekend to go out, she had this song playing on full blast.

I laughed as I thought to myself that great minds think alike (of course she is my child and I'd say that) then the next day after we watched a movie she drove me (she likes driving me around now) and we had it on full blast and took the scenic route whilst listening a couple of times to the song.

I guess we're both 'hopeless romantics' and have similar tastes in music although mine spans back to the 70s with a little wider repertoire of genres of music and eclectic going back to my classical piano training and taking music in high school and that I took piano exams but that's a whole other story.

Suffice to say that if you haven't heard this ballard then I'd highly recommend it. I've got it on repeat in my head and on YouTube it has already had over 10 million views from over the weekend. This could be the big hit of the year!

Anyway, see what you think as I really like how Bruno's smooth vocals blends in well with Lady Gaga's edgey tones. Simply beautiful - like my feedback on their official music video site. I had to laugh when I saw their Cowboy/Cowgirl costumes as it just gave it that interesting vibe. Enjoy!...

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