Wednesday 7 August 2024

Zoom class and upcoming conference...


Last night, I had another online class with my student. I'm definitely blessed to be living at an age where my students can Zoom in from all parts of Aotearoa, NZ.

I have students living up North near remote areas that do have WiFi and then I also have others living in the deep South Island of the country.

But what brings us together every Tuesday night is the camaraderie of working as a class on various engaging and challenging assessments for the Post Graduate Diploma.

The cover pic on the left is the cover that was used for the conference publication of last year's speakers. There are usually two classes of at least 15 students each and their end of year project is to present a 20 minute end-of-year presentation as a culmination of their year's work.

I've had the privilege of working in this space for only a short time but have been quite impressed by the level of skills and consideration that went into writing the curriculum. 

The other neat thing is that the course that I taught for the past few years on tikanga Māori or customary practices and traditions has been very helpful in supporting the teaching and learning of my class. Being able to support students in learning ways of validating indigenous knowledge and learning about ancestral principles and values has been a blessing.

Looking forward to our end-of-year conference on 1 - 2 November and getting my students ready for their presentations. It's quite exciting but a little daunting for some as it's the first time that they would have presented at a conference. 

I remember my first time, in the 1990's presenting a Pasifika play that got accepted at a Conference in Auckland and I had fun as the writer and actor in the play as well. It was a group of us youth, at the time, and one of the actors in my play went on to become a TV host and is still doing today...

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