Saturday 13 January 2018

'Goodbye Christopher Robin' movie...

Last night I watched the movie 'Goodbye Christopher Robin' with my family and found it very sad to learn about the backstory to the popular 'Winnie the Pooh' series by A. A. Milne. In fact, it is still so popular that a century after he wrote it, it is still being promoted through childrens' books, movies and merchandising that the characters appear on.

I brought up my children reading and knowing each of the characters and we laughed as we recited the different characters of: Tiger, Piglet, Kanga and Roo, Eyore etc. whilst watching the movie. The sad part was that Christopher Robin was actually based on the son of the writer Alan Milne and he later regretted the popularization of the book that ruined his childhood through exploitation and bullying from his Boarding school peers which continued for most of his early life.

So much so, that if was documented that he even refused to receive any money from the profits of the books etc. it had had such a devastating effect on his life that he wanted to live without it and instead married and kept a book store.

It's definitely an interesting but sad story for those who loved the 'Winnie the Pooh' series books and are interested in its history...

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