Thursday 4 March 2021

Seeing beauty despite difficult times...


Yesterday, I went for a brief visit to our local hospital under COVID-19 Alert level 3 lockdown rules i.e. strictly keeping to only those who need to be there.

As I was walking along one of the corridors, I came across this neat print i.e. woodcut on paper by my fave Samoan artist Fatu Feu'u (2004) called "Vai Afiafi" translated as: vai - water and afiafi - evening.

So perhaps it's symbolic of water in the evening but then again it's best to get the story from the artist as his work is very symbolic and the spaces he creates evokes a different story to each viewer.

I've blogged before about Fatu Feu'u's work that I most admire because I like his use of bold contrasting colours, the Samoan iconography that has been heavily influenced from Samoan tatau (tattoo) patterns and Siapo (tapa) patterns that are so dear to me and I use also in my paintings etc.

It was a happy coincidence as sometimes when busy thinking about the more serious things in life especially when visiting in hospitals, I was reminded through this print about the beauty that is in life, especially during our current lockdown circumstances.

I thank God that the virus is still contained within NZ and that we aren't in similar situations like what is happening globally in other parts of the world. The 1 -2 persons with a positive case can lockdown an entire city to stop it from spreading as in other parts of the world this action has been far too late.

So if you're feeling a little down and out and not enjoying what's going on around you, take a stroll outside and look up instead of looking down and see what beauty there is around you. It could the innocence of children playing as if nothing's going on, or looking up in the clouds, in your/a garden, or seeing it in a painting or woodcut like me...

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