Thursday 6 June 2024

Melbourne prospects...

New Melbourne developing estates popping up. 
Driving around Melbourne has given me a better appreciation for Auckland traffic especially with the peak hour traffic in all directions in Melbourne.

Our 'spaghetti junction' in the Auckland CBD (Central business district) is nothing compared to their multiple highways that snake around different corners I've gotten caught in not getting on the right lane.

And then not to mention (but I do) the tolls that if you're not in such a rush, you can programme your GPS in car map to take you on the scenic route to avoid the 'beep, beep' of the toll roads as you cross their sensors.

My sister-in-law says that if you can safely drive around Melbourne, then you can drive anywhere. I guess I pass the test but I definitely wouldn't encourage a new driver to take on the roads because with cars going in every direction you just gotta keep your wits about you.

I gotta say that driving around in a family-sized van for a family of 5 with all our luggage was fun with the music turned up loud with so many different jams. I've also gotta thank my middle child for being my 'nav' or navigator 'cos that traffic was crazy sometimes.

We also got to go to the Queen Victoria markets in town with the free tram that can take you around the city perimeter on a quick scenic tour. We didn't do the full run as having done it before but great to see that the tram rides in the city are still free.

I've gotta say that the 'hook turns' in town are crazy too! with cars going in different directions. My local living younger brother reminded me to check out the road markings and then to turn on the orange light. I definitely kept that in mind running around. 

I also had to be extra careful with our 2.0 metre height van in town parking. Now that was amazing that we were able to maneuver in close parking underground or at the airport. Definitely not driving or parking for the faint-hearted!


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