Wednesday 12 June 2024

Virtual walking challenges...

Here's another 'Conqueror' poster that illustrates the medal that is being sent out of the 'Jesus Trail' that I recently completed as a virtual walk of 62.74km. It took me around 10 days to reach the finishing line and so glad to have walked it.

The Mobile App opens up postcards of certain features such as the town of Capernaum, Nazareth, a national park and mountain along the way which are also so interesting to see having read of them in the bible.

The App also tracks your milestones of completing 20% in increments of 20 until reaching 100%. One is also able to choose between your challenge aiding towards supporting the planting of trees or keeping water bottles from reaching the sea. For this particular challenge I chose rescuing water bottles from the sea.

I'm now considering my next challenge that I'm hoping to start next week of a 2024 medal with a 1000km set finish line to complete by the end of the year.

I'm also completing a 'Silk Road' challenge with another group that I've earlier blogged about as the 'Pacer' virtual challenges. I've been on this challenge since 2021 in a 3000+km following the Silk road of early merchants and should be finished in the next 90+ days.

So if you're interested and able, why not give these challenges are go as they can keep you motivated as they certainly have for me...


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