Monday 24 June 2024

Weekend 40 Hour challenge...

Over the weekend, two family members joined me on 'World Vision's' 40 Hour Challenge formerly known as the 40 Hour Famine.

The earlier commitment was about fasting or going without food from the Friday at 8pm to Sunday at noon. This is where we would usually have a feast as a group or organization to celebrate finishing the fasting challenge.

I have been supporting this organization and this challenge since I was in high school and I remember having sleep overs at a local church hall or at a school hall with other fellow supporters.

I remember playing badminton and having fun with all sorts of activities to get the mind off food although drinking water was fine. Nowadays the challenge can incorporate not using social media, mobile phones or the internet over the weekend, a now more popular challenge than the fasting.

Afterwards, we would gather our money having sort sponsorship from family members or friends so that the money gained from the sponsorship would go back to World Vision to use for their project work in different nations.

Nowadays, I just make a donation and last year I bought a Tshirt but left it in Samoa. The colours of the organization are orange with black and white. Next time I'll ensure that my Tshirt is around as I prefer the orange on black than the white on orange.

Anyway, another one of the charities that I love to support as there are so many that I have supported over the years but now have committed to only supporting a few that align with my Christian and cultural principles and values...


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