Tuesday 25 June 2024

Congratulations on Graduating Class of 2024


A big CONGRATULATIONS to my sis/cuz Aunei Lita (at my left) and her daughter, Mariana (at my right), for graduating with two certificates (level 4) from the course that I taught last year of Te Kunenga o te Ao Tikanga at Te Wananga o Aotearoa. 

I also had some other beautiful Wahine Toa (brave Māori women) students who attended from my class and congratulations go out to them all as some were also unable to attend the graduation ceremony.

The pic was taken at yesterday's graduation ceremony at Church Unlimited out in West Auckland at Glendene. It was an interesting venue having our graduation at a church but it worked out just beautifully as well.

It was a neat opportunity as an amazing fees free course that I taught for, a number of years, where I got to teach, learn, and grow in my understanding of te tikanga Māori or Māori protocols and customs which in turn helped to solidify my understandings of fa'aSamoa or Samoan customs and protocols.

Now that I am teaching in the new post graduate department in the course of Kaitiakitanga: Bicultural Professional Supervision, I'm glad that I got the opportunity to lean into cultural protocols and traditions that have also informed my own lived experiences and ultimately my thesis.

I invited my two elder children along for the graduation ceremony and it was neat for them to show support as they were shouting and 'cheeho-ing' from the audience in support of their aunty and cousin. It's such a blessing as the course can pathway to degree courses and whatever they choose to do.

I'm now halfway through teaching this new course that I've now turned my attention to and it's really been interesting, challenging, postgraduate and a wonderful opportunity to hone my skills and support  graduate students along their journey.

As always, I'm encouraging them also, like my sis/cuz to consider further challenging post-graduate courses like the Master's degree but I'll leave it up to them as it does require commitment, perseverance, especially pushing through adversities but the cherry on the cake is the graduation ceremony which makes it all worthwhile (plus the certificate) and memories of the journey...

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