Tuesday 5 September 2023

Birds of a feather...


Today, in my coaching, I've been reflecting on some of the important life lessons that I've learned along the way. One of them is the old adage of "birds of a feather flock together". 

It's an interesting proverbial saying that one can interpret in different ways. One being about how like minded people hang out or people with similarities often stay together (although the opposite can happen too).

In this particular instance, I'm thinking about how I've learned about keeping away from people who don't esteem you, or provide positive support for you and who can often become quite toxic.

You can tell when such people are around because invariably everything is about them or they try to make you feel bad about yourself or twist things that you've said to suit their needs. Often ending in arguments.

I'd say that if you are always feeling discontent around such people who don't make you feel positive about you, then you may need to consider whether they're really your friend/s after all and if that relationship is worth the time of day in not draining you in the long run.

It becomes quite difficult too if that person is a close family member, a spouse or a long time friend. But if you're constantly feeling ill at ease, then that's a sign that not all is well. So if you've tried to talk with them but they don't listen or treat it as not being important then is it really worth your while to pursue?

Our time here on earth is severely limited and so I remember someone saying that it's important to be happy during our time here and if you aren't already, then when? Triggers are indicators of some things that need to be dealt with so I've been blessed to be able to move away from such people.

So, an encouragement for today is to consider some of the people in your sphere of influence who are a blessing to you and genuinely care for you. They're people that you can be thankful for. They are usually the ones who give you that warm fuzzy feeling of love - those are the people that you want to flock together with.

Now think of those who are in your inner circle of whom you don't have positive relationships with and aren't genuinely interested in you. Perhaps consider not flocking together with them, letting them go to fly in other directions and giving yourself the freedom to enjoy life again...

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